WHITE BEAR LAKE, Minn. – The season is now open for the 21st annual State-Fish Art Contest, sponsored by Bass Pro Shops. Wildlife Forever’s State-Fish Art is excited to welcome the Wonders of Wildlife National Museum & Aquarium as the host of the Missouri state competition! All entries in Missouri are be sent to the following address:
Wonders of Wildlife
ATTN: State-Fish Art
600 West Sunshine
Springfield, MO 65807
Best of Show by Ian Oh from California | Grade 10
You have to enter to win!
“Connecting Missouri students to the outdoors ensures conservation will have a strong voice for generations to come,” remarked Bob Ziehmer, Senior Director of Conservation Progtams at Bass Pro Shops. “State-Fish Art is a good way to get them hooked!”
Wonders of Wildlife National Museum and Aquarium recently celebrated its one-year anniversary and announced that 1.6 million visitors experienced the immersive conservation attraction since its grand opening last September. Unprecedented in scale and scope, Wonders of Wildlife was created by noted conservationist and Bass Pro Shops founder Johnny Morris as a gift to the nation in the heartland of America to inspire people of all ages to engage with the natural world. Located in Morris’ hometown of Springfield, Missouri, Wonders of Wildlife was voted America’s Best New Attraction and America’s Best Aquarium by readers of USA Today.
“State-Fish Art provides another opportunity for us to get kids inspired by nature and interested in the great outdoors,” said Misty Mitchell, Education Director at Wonders of Wildlife. “We’re excited to see the entries come in from talented students across the state.”
Students have the opportunity to win prizes and recognition while learning about state-fish species, behaviors, aquatic habitats, and conservation. The Art of Conservation® ignites children’s imagination while teaching them about fish and fishing. Visit statefishart.org for all the details.
Channel Catfish by Turner Morris from Kansas | Grades K-3
To enter, young artists create an original illustration of their chosen fish from the official State-Fish List. A personal one-page written essay, story or poem based on behavior, habitat and/or conservation needs is also required and awarded.
Winning contestants from each state, plus Ontario, Canada and international entries, will be honored in four grade categories, K-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12. Entries must be postmarked by Monday, April 1, 2019 since March 31st is on a Sunday. Judging will be held during April and winners announced in early May.
“This contest brings aquatic conservation not only to students but also to their teachers and families” remarks Karen Hollingsworth, Manager of State-Fish Art.
Educators, Homeschoolers and Parents: Visit the State-Fish Art website www.statefishart.org for complete details and to download the FREE Fish On! Lesson Planor request it on a FREE CD here CD EMAIL
humuhumunukunukuapoa’aby Ivy Mo from New York | Grade 2
Bass Pro Shops is a leading destination retailer offering outdoor gear and apparel in an immersive setting. Founded in 1972 when avid young angler Johnny Morris began selling tackle out of his father’s liquor store in Springfield, Missouri, today more than 100 retail and marine centers host 120 million people annually. Bass Pro Shops also operates White River Marine Group, offering an unsurpassed collection of industry-leading boat brands, and Big Cedar Lodge, America’s Premier Wilderness Resort. Under the visionary conservation leadership of Johnny Morris, Bass Pro Shops is known as a national leader in protecting habitat and introducing families to the outdoors and has been named by Forbes as “one of America’s Best Employers.”
The Wildlife Forever’s award-winning State-Fish Art Contest is entering its 21st year, bringing children, art and aquatic conservation together. To enter, young artists create an original illustration of any official state-fish and one page of writing detailing its behavior, habitat, and efforts to conserve it. Educators nationwide utilize Fish On!, the free full-color State-Fish Art Lesson Plan. It is available on CD, at no charge, and for download. Entries are due by March 31st each year. Sponsor and partnership opportunities are available. For more details and to view the 2018 winning art and writings visit www.StateFishArt.org.
Located in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, Wildlife Forever’s mission is to conserve America’s wildlife heritage through conservation education, preservation of habitat and management of fish and wildlife. For 30 years, members have helped conduct thousands of fish, game and habitat conservation projects across the country. To join or learn more about Wildlife Forever’s award-winning programs, including work to engage America’s youth, visit www.WildlifeForever.org.
The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women. View all posts by The WON