Project ChildSafe: Safely Shooting Clays

Whether you plan to shoot clays at a public range or at a home range, there are a few firearm safety rules that should always be top of mind. We welcome new contributor Ali Juten to the series of safe shooting tips, sponsored by Project ChildSafe.

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First, you’ll likely have to transport your firearm to the shooting range. In doing so, always be sure to keep your shotgun in a case, unloaded, with the safety on. Having your firearm in a secure case will help to ensure it doesn’t get jostled too much by bumps in the road.

Second, at a public range, there are typically other shooters around. Be aware of your surroundings and make sure that your firearm is always pointed in a safe direction. In the video, my friend Jessica Bailey also points out to make sure to keep your firearm clean. Keeping a clean firearm will help to prevent jamming and other issues.

Third, always wear eye protection and hearing protection. Glasses not only protect your eyes, but they also can help with your shooting. For example, yellow glasses help provide contrast for shooting which can improve accuracy. Hearing protection and shooting glasses are completely necessary when shooting any type of firearm and, there are a wide array of options out there that won’t break the bank.

Project ChildSafe Ali Juten sporting clays 2 Shooting Clays

Lastly, be sure you know what is beyond where you’re shooting. At a public range, it is usually very safe beyond the target; when the range is open, it should be “shoot-ready” with all of the safety precautions taken care of ahead of time. However, if shooting at home, it is important to know exactly what is beyond your firing range. Be sure there are no people, buildings, or vehicles in the direction you will be shooting.

Remember, if you own a firearm it is your responsibility to protect it and secure it in order to keep yourself and others around you safe.

Project ChildSafe: Safely Shooting Clays
  • About Ali Juten

    Ali Jutenis an outdoor enthusiast, hunter, writer and host of Empower Outdoors Podcast. She previously worked in corporate communication in women's fashion but, has since transitioned to the world of freelance as an outdoor writer and digital media content strategist. Besides her Journalism degree, Ali also has a bachelor’s degree in International Studies and has traveled to a total of 11 different countries. Her background gives her a unique perspective with the hope to inspire other women to participate in all things outdoors. Ali reviews products for us the old-fashioned way. She puts them to the ultimate tests and give us her honest, thorough opinion.