There’s still time to buy some exceptional gifts for people who love the outdoors. We’d like to invite you to consider purchasing a gift this season from our partners. After all, they are the reason we can bring you our stories, reviews, opinions and lifestyle information. Check out our gift ideas for outdoorsy types in alphabetical order.
Babbs is practicing a dry-fire drill with the Crimson Trace Tactical Light CWL 202. This is a great stocking stuffer for an AR owner. Click the pic to learn more about this training.
Crimson Trace, the country’s #1 maker of laser sights and tactical lights, is offering a big holiday sale. If you know someone who has expressed an interest in adding a laser to a personal defense firearm, now’s the time to buy one. In red or green options. And why don’t you consider throwing in a session or two on the range in the New Year for that person, with a qualified trainer?
Stacy Bright reviews Crossbreed’s ever-changing line of holsters, and also adds tips and tactics in her monthly column, “She Shoots 2.” Click the pic to see the choices of her columns this past year.
If someone decides to conceal and carry, it’s time to get serious about a holster. If you know that the person desires an inside-the-waistband or outside-the-waistband holster, you can easily find the proper one for the firearm of choice from Crossbreed Holsters. We’ve been wearing these holsters for years, and appreciate the comfort and quality. There may not be time to get the holster under the tree, but a note in a card would be just fine and the CCW holder would have something to look forward to receiving in the new year. Each holster is made by craftsmen onsite, and to order — according to leather type desired, cant and other factors.
Makayla Scott, a CZ-sponsored shooter, likes the left-handed SCTP Sterling on the range and in the field. (Michelle Cerino photo) Click on this pic for a wonderful pheasant hunting story by Michelle Cerino, featuring CZ-USA shotguns.
If you know someone who would love to participate in clay shooting sports, or even upgrade to a finer gun, check out the line of options for shotguns from CZ-USA. Or, if you have a waterfowler in your life, CZ offers sporting guns, as well. The gun pictured in the photo costs $1325.
It’s been such a fun year with Danner. Not only have we been wearing so many styles from its line of hiking, hunting and lifestyle boots, but we also made a trip out to tour the factory and re-crafting facility in Portland last summer. We’ve especially been highlighting the Wayfinder boot, designed especially for active women. Our field testers have reported nothing but great things about these boots. MSRP: $140.
Our favorite twins, Morgan and Mason Baseley (2Girls Hunting), join outdoorswoman Callie Wolverton in providing stories about their outdoor lifestyles in Girls with Guns Clothing, an outstanding line of hunting, range, lifestyle and athletic apparel and accessories. Any of the line from GWG would make a 2A lover and/or firearms enthusiast proud, and also, check out their exclusive “Back the Blue” line.
We’ve had a delightful year, reviewing bags for concealed carry from one of the country’s premiere manufacturers, Gun Tote’n Mamas, aka GTM. From slings to packs to clutches to totes to classic bag design, there are hundreds to choose from, and gift certificates rock from here, as well. Let her (or him) choose the style that best complements the carry method. GTM might be offering its 20% sale and free shipping if you catch it in time this holiday season.
Jagemann Sporting Group makes polymer magazines for a variety of pistols that will set your gear apart from others at the range. Available in a wide variety of colors, the magazines also offer more important features than color, such as an extended base pad, optimized spring power, a reinforced auto-grade engineered resin and revamped feed lip geometry. You can find them here for Christmas stocking stuffers, starting at $10.99.
For peace of mind in 2019, maybe it’s time to make that big purchase of a safe to hold not only your firearms, but also, any personal items that you want to protect (documents, passports, jewelry, etc.). Liberty Safe is the #1 safe maker in the country and is offering a 0% financing program for 18 months of any safe that is $1,000 or more. We have had a wonderful year of reviewing safes and guns to store in these safes, and we highly recommend any of the sizes — from hand vaults to large, beautiful additions to your home. Check out this video review of this pictured safe. MSRP: $349.
Our writer/videographer Ali Juten contributes to our monthly video series on safely handling and storing firearms for Project ChildSafe.
Are you looking to give a gift to something worthwhile? Why don’t you check out Project ChildSafe, a program of the National Shooting Sports Foundation to promote firearms safety and education through the distribution of safety education messages and free firearm safety kits to communities across the U.S. Project ChildSafe is working with law enforcement partners across the U.S. to help make our communities safer by providing free gun locks and safety kits. According to Project ChildSafe, your contribution helps close the gap and put more safety kits and educational materials into more people’s hands. Check out the levels of donations, including a round-up plan.
Salty creeks and muddy marshes – this gun can handle them all. Click the pic for a review of the marine version of this gun, by Hollis Lumpkin.
From shotguns, to rifles, to pistols to ammo … it’s not difficult to find something for the person who hunts, competes, target shoots or carries for personal defense from the Remington Outdoor Company. We highly recommend looking at the series of Tac-14 firearms for home and truck/vehicle defense. Also, don’t forget Remington’s managed recoil buckshot load ammunition, designed for this purpose. MSRP: Marine version — $841.
Another American firearms company that is an iconic brand is Ruger. Several of our writers have been hunting with Rugers this season, including Hawaiian hunting guide Emily Perreira. Find out why this Guide rifle in .300 Win Mag is perfect for so many types of big game animals, including feral sheep. MSRP: $1279.
Click the pic to read Michelle Cerino’s review of this new carry gun, the Springfield Armory XD-S Mod2 in 9mm.
Dating back to the days of George Washington, Springfield Armory continues to produce guns that women can use. Michelle Cerino has been on the range with its ARs and pistols (including a 10mm) this past year. The gun that Michelle is shown with in the photo has an MSRP of $586.
Every month, Syren USA’s Lynne Green serves us up a dose of good advice about shotguns and clay shooting/hunting, based on her knowledge and from asking her pro-team. Not only does Syren offer a fine line of shotguns designed for women by women, it also offers high quality and top notch shooting accessories in its signature color, purple. Discover Syren’s “Shooting Savvy” tips here. Throughout the month of December, Syren will offer free shipping on accessories.
Ashlee Lundvall introduced her daughter to shooting, aka plinking, with this Volquartsen Scorpion .22 this past year. Click the pic to see her review.
Ashlee Lundvall highly recommends this .22 caliber target/competition pistol from Volquartsen Firearms. Ashlee’s daughter likes this gun, too, and wants to go to the range and spend more time practicing safe shooting. Ashlee chose the red, white and blue model. MSRP: $1596.50
If you check our Pinterest boards, you’ll see plenty of other options for shopping this season.
Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at View all posts by Barbara Baird