View from the Marina: A Cure for Pakratitis?

As some of you may know, we moved our offices earlier this month.  The move was very short and took place within the same location at Tarpon Point Marina, but it was a move nonetheless.  And, that got me thinking about the whole process regardless if it’s local or long distance.
Any move typically forces the owner to recognize the signs of pakratitis (pack rat-itis) that could be in its early, mid-range or late stages.  You might recognize the generic term for that malady; it’s called “hording.” And, despite all of our best efforts, I have come to realize that we all suffer from it in varying degrees. 
packing boxes Pakratitis
While there’s no known cure, the malady can be addressed by intervention or other curative actions.  “Downsizing” has proven to be a successful way to treat pakratitis, especially for those who are over 50 or 60.
When you reach that age, the home you’ve lived in for so many years is just too big and a move is often in order.  That process requires that you address the prevalent symptoms of the disease because if you are downsizing, there just isn’t sufficient room for all of the items you have amassed over the year.
That is especially true for those who decide to get rid of the house and go cruising.  Please understand that type of a decision is a major undertaking, and as I always say, “Try it before you commit to it!”
If you are really thinking about giving up your land-based home for a life at sea, take a charter for a week or two or spend time with friends on their boat.
Vic and I lived on our 36-foot sailboat for four years when we got married.  Then, we bought a house.  Somehow we have managed to fill up a three-bedroom home, garage and even an added workshop!  Vic’s tools alone would need their own boat now, and that’s probably true for many of you.
houseboat Downsizing
While the transition from land to sea will effectively address “pakratitis,” it also requires the consideration of comfort, space, privacy, maintenance, living at a marina or actually cruising, what you need and what you can live without, medical issues and weather.  It’s not as convenient as pulling the car into the garage and unloading the groceries while it’s raining outside, but if you like the cruising way of life, you will adjust.
Barb Hansen manages Southwest Florida Yachts, yacht charters and Florida Sailing & Cruising School, a liveaboard yacht school.  Contact her at
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    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.