8th Annual Kansas Governor’s Ringneck Classic Ready to Roll

The 8th Annual Kansas Governor’s Ringneck Classic is poised to send hunters afield in pheasant territory around the Colby area from Nov. 15 to 18. Pheasant hunters from 14 states will be participating in this special hunting weekend to bring awareness and dollars to wild pheasant hunting and conservation in Kansas. [Editor’s note: Our Babbs will be in the field at this hunt, along with TeamWON’s Julie McQueen. Follow our social media for live videos and lots of updates!]

Governor Dr. Jeff Colyer will join other hunters on Sat., Nov. 17, for a full day of walking and hunting wild pheasants. Other events included a clay shooting competition, fund-raising banquets and special music. Kansas singer and songwriter Brock Wagoner will perform at the Friday evening banquet and fundraiser.

Annual Kansas Governor’s Ringneck Classic

Hey, it’s our Babbs last year, talking to then Gov. Sam Brownback, along with Girls with Guns Clothing’s Jen O’Hara and Norissa Harman. (Rick Dykstra photo)

Working media onsite includes “Setter Tales” host Wade Kisner and “Project Upland” host Chet Hervey. Along with professional competition shooters, the event welcomes representatives from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Pass It On, Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, and the Kansas Dept. of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism. Special guest Hank Shaw, author of wild game cookbook, “Pheasant, Quail, Cottontail: Upland Birds and Small Game from Field to Feast,” will be making recipes from his collection for the Thursday night wild game dinner, Nov. 15, and signing his book at a meet and greet on Friday, Nov. 16. Shaw also writes the popular blog “Hunter. Angler. Gardener. Cook.”

Since 2011, the Classic has generated more than $300,000 for local beneficiaries, youth, its partners supporting conservation efforts and the Northwest Kansas Conservation Foundation. The Foundation is the backbone of the yearly event.

The numbers bear the Classic’s success story so far. 

  • The Classic has spent more than $570,000 in northwest Kansas on tourism dollars including food, lodging, entertainment and other event-related expenses. A significant portion of the dollars used for these expenses have come from outside its geographical area in the form of sponsorship.  
  • More than 300 different people from Kansas, Colorado, Missouri and Nebraska have volunteered at the Classic.  A handful of these folks have participated in all seven Classics. Hunters from at least 26 states and 3 foreign countries have walked the fields of Kansas because of their association with the Classic.
  • Through its association with Freedom Hunters, an organization that takes our country’s warriors on hunting trips, more than 80 active-duty, retired and wounded veterans from our military have experienced wild pheasant hunting in Kansas.
  • Thirty Kansas youth earned scholarships to hunt as guests of the governor. 
  • Throughout the course, the Classic has awarded 24 lifetime Pheasants Forever memberships, eleven Kansas lifetime hunting licenses and six college scholarships to Kansas youth hunters. 
  • The Classic has been featured on national television productions each year, including “The Flush,” “Tom’s Wildlife,” “Bass Pro’s The Next Generation,” Cabela’s Sporting Dog Adventures” “Wing Shooting USA,” “Garmin’s Americana Outdoors” and “Nick’s Wild Ride.” 
Kansas Governor’s Ringneck

Gov. Sam Brownback with Girls with Gun’s Clothing’s Norrisa Harman in the field near Oakley, Kansas, last year. (Rick Dykstra photo)

“The Ringneck Classic has quickly become one of the premier upland hunting events. We’re extremely proud of our relationships and the support our foundation as provide for wildlife and habitat conservation efforts,” said Jim Millensifer, chair of the Ringneck Classic and the Northwest Kansas Conservation Foundation.

About the Northwest Kansas Conservation Foundation 

The Northwest Kansas Conservation Foundation was created by the Kansas Governor’s Ringneck Classic to support habitat improvement and wildlife conservation in Northwest Kansas.


Jim Millensifer

Phone: 785-953-1139

Email: jhmillensifer@gmail.com

Website: http://www.kansasringneckclassic.com

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.