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Meet the Family of Tac-14s from Remington

We can talk about this family now. No secrets are necessary, and we can talk about all of them. The family being Remington’s new family of Tac-14s, comprised of a few trendy and some would say, essential, firearms to add to your collection for personal defense purposes.

The Remington V3 Waterfowl Pro The new standard for reliability in autoloading shotguns. Proven in the field and in extreme tests of endurance with thousands of rounds, it cycles loads with ultimate consistency, softer recoil and less maintenance.

Sponsored by Remington Outdoor Company

I had the pleasure of shooting all of these guns last August at Gunsite Academy at a Remington Outdoor Company media event. At that time, a few of the line fell under an embargo, which tested my ability to keep a secret.



Remington Tac-14

Before the media event, in May 2017, Remington released its first of the family – a 14-inch cylinder bore, 12-guage with a 4+1 capacity. With its Magpul M-Lok forend and smooth Raptor pistol grip, the gun took the firearms world by storm. This one comes in a black oxide finish and retails for $443.05.

Remington-tac14 marine version

In August, the company let another of the family loose – this one is the Marine version, the full Marine Magnum nickel treatment on most of its parts, and other details like its brother above. It should come with a tattoo. This one is perfect for boats and other places with wet conditions. We’ll be sending this one out to sea soon, and watch for a dedicated review. Because of its more expensive components, it retails for $842.12.

Remington-tac14-20 gauge

Finally, the baby of the family, the little guy, the 20-gauge celebrated the New Year and it sports a 14-inch cylinder bore in smaller barrel, yet a 4+1 capacity. Its forend is a Magpul 12 gauge, with an ROC designed adapter. It also reveals a Mesa Tactical “Lucy” adapter for a 12-gauge Shockwave fit. (It will never grow into being a 12 gauge, even if it is wearing adapters.) This version is available for $479.

Remington believes the personal defense market will love this line, especially for traveling, ease of storage and ability to wield faster than a standard shotgun. I think they’re right, and I also believe that the 20-gauge model is perfect in my world for vehicle carry, backpacking/hiking in high country and overall personal defense in the home.


Ultimate Defense buckshot RemingtonThe ammunition side of the company has designed a new, special buckshot for this line, as well – the Ultimate Defense Buckshot 5-round pack. These rounds have been created to deliver tight, effective short-range patterns. The 12-gauge loads combine standard 9-pellets and managed recoil 8-pellets of 00 buckshot. With a reach of out to 40 yards and with 40% less felt recoil, this is the load for the 12-gauge versions. These loads will also work in Remington’s new 870 DM and 870 DM Magpul models.

Definitely, give this family a look-see and maybe add one to your own tools for personal defense.

Visit Remington to learn more about the line of Tac-14s here.

  • About Barbara Baird

    Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at