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The Women’s Gun Show Episode 85: Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules

On this week’s show, Barbara Baird talks to Julie Golob about her new book, Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules – already an Amazon top seller in its first week!

Carrie Lightfoot joins Barbara to discuss way cool products and Julie Golob offers another “Tip Time” in her series on Shooting Faster, and in particular, “Target to Target Transitions.” Sponsored by NRA Women.

Stacy Bright TC Strike 2

Stacy Bright shot this T/C Strike out to 300 yards on the range.

Carrie has been putting away Christmas and got endorsed by Lt. Dave Grossman and the USCCA for her run for the board of directors of the NRA. Barb also put away the magic of Christmas and hit the range with Stacy Bright to see how far Stacy could push her muzzleloader’s bullet downrange.

Julie Golob Toys Tools Guns Rules

Topic:  Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules 

Julie Golob is a decorated multi-time world and national champion, and a U.S. Army veteran, firearms instructor, and mother. She is a prominent voice for sharing safe, responsible gun ownership throughout the firearms industry, the shooting sports, and beyond. Golob’s first book, SHOOT: Your Guide to Shooting and Competition, is a primer on improving shooting skills and how to get started in the shooting sports. She has also written a short eBook: Shooting While Pregnant: A Resource for Expecting Moms. Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules , which encourages families to start the conversation about guns early, is her first children’s book.

Find her online at

Golob tip time target to target

Tip Time with Julie Golob:  Target to Target Transitions

Julie Golob gives tips on how to train your brain to move from target to target faster! 

Cool products

LET dueling tree

Carrie found an LET Dueling Tree Target. ($299.95)

peltor ear muffs kids

Barb likes these Peltor ear muffs for kids. ($14.89)

Women's Gun Show logoTWAW Product of the Week – Bullseye Pin

TWAW pinCarrie thinks this would be a sweet Valentine’s Day prezzie, TWAW Bullseye Pin. ($7.49)


The WON’s post of the week: 7 Simple Tips for Taking Your Child to the Range

kids gun safety rules for range

Julie Golob gives simple and straightforward tips to use if you want to make range day a fun (and safe) day for your kids.

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  • About Barbara Baird

    Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at