On this show # 74, Carrie Lightfoot interviews Greg Ellifritz , owner of Active Response Training, about a recent article he wrote on how to survive a vehicle attack.
Barbara Baird joins Carrie and the women discuss cool shooting products, and Julie Golob weighs in this week on being ready to shoot in the rain.
Greg Ellifritz is Active Response Training’s President and Primary Instructor.
Greg has been a police officer since 1995 and spent 13 years as the full time tactical training officer for his central Ohio agency. In that position, he was responsible for developing and instructing all of the in-service training for a 54-officer police department. In addition to his training position, he has served as patrol officer, armorer, bike patrol officer, bike patrol coordinator, sniper, and field training officer for his agency.
He has instructed for the Tactical Defense Institute since 2001 and been a lead instructor for TDI’s ground fighting, knife fighting, active shooter, impact weapons, and extreme close quarters shooting classes.
Greg holds instructor, master instructor, or armorer certifications in more than 75 different weapons systems, defensive tactics programs, and law enforcement specialty areas. In addition to these instructor certifications, Greg has successfully completed more than 4,000 hours of documented formal training with the leading firearms, empty hand fighting, and edged weapons instructors in the country.
Greg has been an adjunct instructor for the Ohio Peace Officer’s Training Academy, teaching firearms, defensive tactics, bike patrol, knife defense and physical fitness topics. He has taught firearms and self defense classes at the national and international level through the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors, The American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, Rangemaster Tactical Conference, and Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police.
He has a Master’s degree in Public Policy and Management and has written for several publications and websites including: ‘The Firearms Instructor,” “Ohio Police Chief,” “Combat Handguns,” Survivalblog.com, “Concealed Carry Magazine,” Primedia’s “Personal & Home Defense Annual,” “Recoil Magazine,” and “American Handgunner.”
Tip Time with Julie Golob: Are You A Fair Weather Shooter? Sponsored by NRA Women.
Cool products
Carrie thinks these Tuffy Packs ballistic shields look interesting.
Barb says it’s time to think about preparing a Go Bag for every person in your family, and found this lineup of bags at Stealth Angel, varying in price. ($139 and up)
TWAW Products of the Week
Since awareness is so important to safety, Carrie recommended these levels of awareness gem reminders. ($8.49)
She also mentioned the Levels of Awareness key ring (or zipper pull). Start a conversation! ($8.99)
Wendy Megyese gives great tips for being aware and staying safe while staying in a hotel.
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Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at https://www.ozarkian.com. View all posts by Barbara Baird