On this week’s show, Barbara Baird talks to Ann Smith of the National Rifle Association’s publications team, about the American Rifleman Ladies Pistol Project. Julie Golob gives advice on how to “cure the jerk” on a trigger finger. Carrie Lightfoot and Barbara discuss cool products, shooting events and firearms news. Sponsored by Ruger and NRA Women.
Barb recorded this week’s show from South Dakota, where she spent time with family and, of course, went junking. Carrie had just returned from a certification course in North Carolina for The Well Armed Woman instructors and was packing her bags to head to Colorado to conduct another course.Barb climbed Spirit Mound in South Dakota, a place that Lewis & Clark once stood upon.
Barb interviewed Ann Smith, the Senior Executive Editor of American Rifleman.org. for the National Rifle Association about the Ladies Pistol Project. Barb and Carrie had chatted with Ann about this project over lunch recently in Maryland and thought you’d be interested in hearing about what the women liked on the range. Firearms News You Can Use Carrie mentioned a recall on Ruger’s Precision Rifle line, but only for a select few. Barb said Walmart claims mischief behind sign above guns: “Own the schoolyear like a hero.”
Tip Time with Julie Golob: Curing The Jerk Julie Golob gives sage advice on how to control and cure a trigger finger jerk. Sponsored by NRA Women. Cool products
Barb test drove the best of the line of 2017 Honda Pioneer 1000-5 Limited Edition side-by-side in Kentucky last week.
Carrie liked the looks of this Tactical Walls Concealment Coffee Table. ($795) TWAW Product of the Week
Carrie thinks this SIRT PERFORMER for dry fire training is the boss. ($219)
Barb noted that Emily Houston Monroe reviewed Eva Shockey’s book, Taking Aim.
Carrie is thinking that this course, Personal Protection in the Home, offered by the Triangle Shooting Academy in Raleigh, North Carolina, would be beneficial. ($100) Barb gave a shout-out to Women on Target events in Gunnison, Colorado, in September.
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Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at https://www.ozarkian.com. View all posts by Barbara Baird