Video: My Project ChildSafe Story – Melissa Bachman

Melissa Bachman represents going after what you want in the outdoor industry. The spirit of entrepreneurship and a desire to portray real hunting motivated this Minnesota woman to produce her own TV shows when no one else was interested, and to work behind the scenes – learning how to professionally put together a hunting show. The work paid off, but that success doesn’t stop Melissa from continuing to pursue excellence, as can be seen in her weekly TV  show, “Winchester Deadly Passion,” on the Sportsman Channel and Wild TV.

Melissa Bachman

Melissa is a champion at representing real women hunters, and she uses every opportunity to be a role model to women who are interested in this truly American tradition. Whether at a trade show in a seminar, on her television show or in person, she remains the same – candid and unashamed of what she does for a vocation and as a passion.

Melissa and her little dog, Pork Chop, travel the country together whenever possible, to hunt a wide variety of North American game animals. Melissa leaves Pork Chop with her parents when she travels abroad. We think Pork Chop brings an amusing facet to her adventures, and frankly, being dog lovers, we like that a lot.

Melissa Bachman shares her Project ChildSafe story.

Melissa Bachman also blogged about the topic of keeping guns safe. It makes a nice follow-up to this video. In the blog, she mentions using a Winchester safe with a decal that opens the contraption.

“I personally love using the decal that resembles a sticker. You can place this anywhere that is convenient. I stuck it on the back of my phone and then slipped the case back on. Now you can’t see the decal but it’s at the ready anytime I need it. Most of us keep our phone on us at all times, so this works very well.

First of all, no child would know my phone is the key to the safe, and secondly most of us never let our phone out of our sight so now this can be used to our advantage. At night, I leave my phone plugged in next to my bed like the vast majorities of people do. In the event of a home invasion I simply swipe my phone over the safe and it opens in an instant. They also have a key fob and a programmable keypad that gives you an alternative entry with a custom 4-6 digit code.”

Visit Melissa’s website, and enter your child’s hunting experiences (as captured on video).

Find other My Project ChildSafe videos here.

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.