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Featured blogger Rachel Voss shares some turkey basics for the beginner turkey hunter.

 turkey fanned beard, turkey basics
1) Choosing the PROPER GUN

Finding the right gun for yourself is much like picking out your favorite pair of undies!! there are so many to choose from! There’s are many price, caliber, action and color options to consider. Your biggest priority should be the fit and comfort (again, much like your favorite pair of undies!) The best and most knowledgable place to look for a gun is a local gun shop or a customer-service oriented retailer. Feel the gun, hold it, caress it… do what you must… but put that sucker up to your shoulder ad make sure you’ve found the proper fit!!

2) Must have CAMO
Camo-camo-camo! Your entire gorgeous body needs to be covered in camo because these wily
birds have serious eye sight! Not only is it importa…


Continue reading Rachel Voss’s tips in, “Camo is the New Black.”


  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.