ISLAMORADA, FL – The 7th Annual Islamorada Shark Fly tournament was held March 2nd -3rd at the Angler House Marina in Islamorada, FL. More than 100 sharks, bigger than 48″, were caught and released on fly, almost a third less of what was reported from last year’s tournament. This year there was a rule change capping the number of lemon sharks that will count per day to 10. Twenty-two anglers chucked feathers at the razor-toothed predators for two solid days. Winning on time with 2500 points was angler Rob Preihs fishing with Capt. Richard Black. 1st Runner Up Jack Salisbury fishing with Capt. Chris Jones with 2500 points went to angler. The results this year were somewhat amusing as last year the 2 top awards went to the same anglers/guides and with the same outcome finishing on time with the exception the roles were reversed this year. 2nd Runner up with 16 Lemon sharks went to Josh Scott fishing with Capt. Benny Blanco. The Ladies Grand Champion with 2 Black Tip sharks, 300 points, was Carol Ensor, from Islamorada, fishing with her friend Nelson Padron from Miami. All proceeds benefit We Fish For Kids Inc, a 501(c)(3) not for profit foundation that helps kids in our local public school system through both sports and education programs.
Ladies Champion – Carol Ensor (Right), Receiving Award for Husband Nelson – Carmen Perez-Padron (left)
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