Help Wanted: Pretty Hunter at Dallas Safari Club Convention & Sporting Expo

Team Pretty Hunter is on the hunt for satellite Pretty Hunters in the Dallas, Texas area.  

We are starting off the New Year with a great event, The 2016 Dallas Safari Club Convention & Sporting Expo! Do you live near the Dallas area AND LOVE Pretty Hunter? We want YOU to join us, we new a few PH’s to help out at our booth during the convention. It’s a great way to attend a fabulous event AND earn some gear. The event starts THIS Thursday.
If you are interested & think YOU have what it takes pleast contact:
Tricia Auten:

Include (at least) your name, location, phone number and a brief history/summary of YOU and why you want to be a part. Remember we all hunt in one way or another so if you are not a traditional ‘huntress’ please don’t let that hold you back — and as always, Stay Pretty and Hunt On!!

Visit Pretty Hunter

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.