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How to: Organize Your Shooting Gear

It’s that time of year when my competition season is over and the hunting season begins. Since there is a bit of an overlap this year, I have somewhat of a disaster to deal with in my basement, where it appears as though a tornado touched down. Thankfully, the weather turned and I don’t mind being cooped up for a few days. Following are a few tips I used to help me organize my shooting gear.

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She Shoots 2, with Michelle Cerino, is sponsored by Galco Gunleather.


Hang it Up!

You may call me “Captain Obvious,” but here are a few tips that are sometimes left out.

  • Use strong hangers. I prefer the thick, plastic ones. Hang coordinating pants underneath shirts and tops to save time searching.
  • Empty all pockets before the garment goes on the hanger. Nothing like finding that sticky candy a year later. While you’re at it, wash all the garments for a fresh start the next year.
  • Create an order to your hanging. Put similar patterns, clothing type or fabric weights together.

Chris Cerino photo

Oh, Those Hats!

There are quite a few ball caps at my house and somehow they always end up in a pile. After some online research, I found a few solutions to the hat pile, using a tension or shower curtain rod.

  • If the hats have Velcro or snap backs, just unhook the back and hang them over rods.
  • Use an “S” hook to hang hats from the rod.
  • Line the rod with shower curtain rings that have alligator teeth clips on them.


Gun Safe Gadgets

Since my family competes in 3-gun and hunts, we have quite a few guns. Trying to fit them all in a gun safe is not easy. Last year, at the NRA Annual Meeting, I found some great products by Gun Storage Solutions to help me squeeze a few more into the safe with easier access.

  • The hook and loop system of the Rifle Rods holds the long guns upright rather than leaning in a standard gun rack.
  • Handgun Hangers and Multi-Mags offer many ways to store pistols both above and below any standard shelf.

calls-drawersDrawers, Bins and Baskets, Oh My!

If you’re like me, you have various bins, baskets collecting dust, and storage drawers half filled in closets and around the basement. If not, January is a good time to stock up because they go on sale.

  • Storage drawers are great since they can usually by stacked on top of each other. In that case, the sky (or ceiling) is the limit. Labeling drawers also saves time when putting things away.
  • Organizing cubes were the “in” thing for the past few years. If you don’t care about the colors, they can usually be found on sale.
  • Bins with lids are a great place to store items that are not in season. Using bins that are stackable and labeled is even better.

Chris Cerino photo

Getting organized isn’t always easy, so don’t try to tackle it all at once. Make sure you have a plan and everything you need before you get started. I like to pick one area and finish it before I move onto the next. The most important advice I can give is once you get organized, keep up with it. A few minutes here and there will save you a bunch of time at the end of the season.

Please let us know if you have some other tips for organizing your shooting stuff.

  • About Michelle Cerino

    Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore.