Also Inside: A Roan Antelope Story with a Bad Beginning and True Adventures from a Guide
(October 2015) – Universal Hunter October/November/December issue, available on newsstands and online at http://UniversalHunter.Com, focuses on the positives of hunting such as introducing youth to the outdoors as in Jen O’Hare’s article, “Passing on the Tradition,” and getting someone back to the outdoors who thought they’d never step foot again in “Against All Odds” by Chad Waligura. Also in this issue are articles by Darrell Sterling, Larry Weishuhn and more. Don’t miss Larry Weishuhn’s article “Roaning Northwestern Africa,” where a troublesome start to the hunt thankfully didn’t predict the positive outcome. And Darrell Sterling offers advice from the most successful deer hunters in “How to be a Better Deer Hunter,” so you, too, can have a smiling trophy photo to show off this winter.
“The staff at UHM likes to focus on the positive of our industry, which there are so many good things to talk about,” said Chantelle Kapp, editor of Universal Hunter. “That’s why I am so excited to include Chad Waligura’s story of his hunting buddy who fell from a tree stand and broke his neck. But he didn’t let that get him down and instead found ways to not only survive, but thrive and get back outdoors again. We all need the healing power of the outdoors. So either introduce – or re-introduce – someone new to the outdoors. It will do both of you good.”
Norissa Harman and Jen O’Hara are the Universal Huntresses, hosts of the like-named TV show. Jen penned the article about passing along the hunting tradition in this issue of the magazine. (Girls with Guns photo)
In “Passing Along the Tradition,” writer Jen O’Hara shares her story of how she ensures the younger generation in her family – boys and girls alike – get the opportunity to learn outdoor skills when they are ready. “Many people who grew up like I did, as a farm kid, aren’t aware that most kids don’t know that milk comes from cows and where our meat actually comes from,” wrote O’Hara. “They honestly believe it comes straight from the grocery store, which is why I have become involved with organizations like Kids Outdoor Sports Camp (KOSC) in California to help ensure that the next generation has the opportunity to make an educated choice about hunting.” O’Hara proudly shares that after her 11-year-old niece attended her first Camp, and then watched a few of her Aunt’s episodes of Universal Huntress TV show, she asked to go on her first turkey hunt. What Auntie wouldn’t be proud?
Regular columnists Joe Gonyo, Jeremiah Blain, Dr. Jim and Mary Clary continue to provide product reviews on items from Russell High Country Extreme boot to CVA’s Optima V2 Black Nitride Rifle to Olympia WD180 Wilderness Lantern. Dr. Jim Clary wrote, “Every now and then, we get a product to review that stands out above just about everything else we have tested. This little gem is one such item. In fact, we were so taken with the WD180 that we ordered two more. Mary and I wanted to make sure that our WD180s remained in our overnight packs. That is how fantastic this lantern is.”
And finally, don’t miss “Guiding Adventures” by Tony Martins who shares his most adventurous and memorable guided hunts. From the “elder gentleman” to the “silver spoon youngster,” Martins has seen just about everything in his years of guiding.
Universal Hunter is now on newsstands and available for download via iTunes, Google Play and Nook. Learn more at http://UniversalHunter.Com and at
You can also sign up for a printed subscription online or by emailing Chantelle Kapp,
About Universal Hunter:
Along with publisher Hennie van der Walt, who has been hunting for several decades and is a pillar in the outdoor magazine publishing business and publisher, Emaneul Kapp, the respected wildlife and hunting videographer and photographer with more than 20 years worldwide video and photography experience, and also the Producer for Universal Huntress, they help put Universal Hunter Magazine together. Editor Chantelle Kapp with our team of professional writers like; Tim Herald, Tony Martins, Magnus Pelz, James Clary, Larry Weishuhn, and many other known and respected writers, we provide you with new and exciting hunting and informational articles in each issue. Member contribution articles are also published, giving our readers the best of both worlds.
Press Contacts:
Michelle Scheuermann, BulletProof Communications, LLC, P: 651.964.0264;
Chantelle Kapp, Universal Hunter,
The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women. View all posts by The WON