In this installment of the popular series “Armed and In Charge,” Stacy Bright details why she likes 3 CCW holsters, after extensive research into the subject matter.
If you’re like most gun owners, you probably have a drawer, box, or maybe even closet full of holsters. And if you’re like me when I first got my concealed carry (CCW) permit, I went looking for a holster that would fit me and conceal the firearm. I had no idea what to look for, ended up purchasing various ones over the next few months, and really didn’t love any of them.
Fortunately, there are more options now than there were when I got my CCW permit, but that makes it even more difficult to decide which one to buy. Of course, that’s how we end up with a bunch of holsters, and only a few (if we’re lucky) that we really like or that work with our body types.
In case you haven’t noticed, women have curves; men don’t. Therefore, we have to work harder at concealing a firearm, and the traditional holsters that work for a man don’t necessarily work for us ladies. According to a recent survey of women, 40% said that they prefer to carry inside the waistband and 25% said outside the waistband or in a bellyband holster. Since the majority carry on body, near their waists, I’ve chosen 3 holsters that you might consider if you’re looking for a concealed carry option.
Now I can sit around in my pajamas more often, and have my firearm on my body at the same time.
I tend to look for holsters that I can carry on my belt, or at least around my waist. Ease of access is a big reason. I don’t want to be fumbling around in my purse, or trying to get to my gun on my ankle, if I’m in a situation that would require drawing my gun quickly. Finding a “perfect holster” is unreasonable for every situation and finding that “one size fits all” won’t happen. However, with research, the proper practice, and clothing selection, you should be able to find one that quickly becomes your favorite.
Tell us, which holster do you prefer for CCW and why?
Freelance writer Stacy Bright holds instructor certifications from the NRA in Pistol & Rifle, as well as being an Range Safety Officer and Refuse to be a Victim instructor. In addition to her NRA credentials, she also is a Missouri CCW instructor and teaches various other home and personal defense courses. “In a field dominated by men, I feel I bring a unique perspective to firearms and training, especially to women. I'm passionate about educating, empowering and developing confidence in those I train. In November of 2014, I started the Southwest Missouri chapter of The Well Armed Woman,” said Stacy. Stacy lives in southwest Missouri, and has been married for 20 years. Visit TWAW Facebook page: The Well Armed Woman-Springfield, MO Chapter. View all posts by Stacy Bright