Traditionally, guns and shooting have always been a man’s sport. However, the tables are starting to turn with more women becoming increasingly interested in learning about and training with firearms. According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, nearly 79 percent of firearms retailers reported an increase in female customers between 2011 and 2012. In addition, the NSSF reports that women are seeking out training in high numbers. Almost three quarters of women have taken at least one training class, whether it be a concealed carry class, hunters education or range safety instruction. The report goes on to say that most women will take around 3 gun training classes. If you are a woman in this growing majority, where can you find training opportunities and shooting organizations after you decide you want to commit to train?
Gabby Franco travels the country, teaching critical shooting skills to women, men and youth. (Gabby Franco photo)
National Rifle Association: The NRA has always been one of the largest lobbyist groups to defend the right to bear arms. With the recent addition of female commentators for NRA News such as Gabby Franco and Natalie Foster, women are more empowered. It’s also a great resource for news, education, events and more. You can also find an NRA training course near you. Some of the courses offered are Basic Pistol, Basic Rifle, Personal Protection Inside & Outside the Home, and Refuse to Be a Victim. Find out more at their website:
For many women, making the decision to take a class can be a difficult one. Feelings of nervousness and fear of the unknown hinder their ability to take the next step. If that’s you, let me encourage you by saying that as an instructor I’ve taught many women about firearms and how to shoot accurately by using proper fundamentals of marksmanship. Let me tell you, women are extremely cautious and safe, they follow directions exceptionally well, and they’re almost always more accurate than men! Don’t sell yourself short and underestimate your ability to learn, grow, and become confident! Whether you’ve chosen to take classes that will better prepare you for a self-defense situation, or so that you can go to the shooting range for enjoyment, continue to expand your knowledge and capabilities. It’s so rewarding!
Freelance writer Stacy Bright holds instructor certifications from the NRA in Pistol & Rifle, as well as being an Range Safety Officer and Refuse to be a Victim instructor. In addition to her NRA credentials, she also is a Missouri CCW instructor and teaches various other home and personal defense courses. “In a field dominated by men, I feel I bring a unique perspective to firearms and training, especially to women. I'm passionate about educating, empowering and developing confidence in those I train. In November of 2014, I started the Southwest Missouri chapter of The Well Armed Woman,” said Stacy. Stacy lives in southwest Missouri, and has been married for 20 years. Visit TWAW Facebook page: The Well Armed Woman-Springfield, MO Chapter. View all posts by Stacy Bright
Don’t forget GRITS – a terrific organization of women shooters