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Fishing Writer Anietra Hamper Appears on ‘’

Anietra Hamper, The WON’s fishing writer, travels the globe looking for great stories and recently talked to Alan Broderick of “” about a shrimping trip she took to Louisiana and about her upcoming trip to Florida to go deep-sea fishing. Hamper writes “Reeling the Globe.”

The YouTube series bills itself as “an hour long chat show for fish heads everywhere.”  Broderick also is host of the series “Wild Fish Wild Places” on the World Fishing Network.


When Hamper fished in Ireland recently, her guide, Ritchie Johnston (Guide Fishing Ireland), introduced her to Broderick. “I was invited onto originally to offer a female perspective on angling that is different in the U.S. than other parts of the world. We had such a great time, that now I am a regular contributor to the show on various topics related to fishing, “said Hamper.

“ is a new show that features some of the top anglers in the business. It is based out of Ireland. The show covers things like shore-side snacks where they cook of the shore with a chef, book reviews (I did one last week) and a variety of topics ranging from conservation to fishing tactics to current newsy topics related to fishing,” explained Hamper.

On a recent episode of “Fish Talk,” Hamper discussed seasickness with Alan, and in particular, her propensity for getting violently ill while in a boat on rough water. “I’m deep sea fishing on Friday in Florida. I’m going to use a prescribed Transderm scope patch. I’ve had them before but didn’t use on a cruise but some people swear by it. My last deep sea fishing trip in Mexico was a colossal disaster and I’m putting it mildly,” said Hamper.

Visit “Fish Talk.”

Follow Hamper at her blog, ThreeWordPress.

  • About Barbara Baird

    Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at