I have been turkey hunting for more than 15 years now. While some might consider me a seasoned turkey hunter, I always feel I have more to learn. Through the years I have had several mentors along the way. I still utilize some of their tactics along with some I have learned myself, the hard way. I’m going to share with you the essential gear I typically use on my turkey hunts.
Marti changes her camo patterns accordingly, to blend in with her surroundings. Photo courtesy of Barbara Baird
A turkey’s sight is one of its biggest advantages and ways of survival. Therefore, good camouflage that allows you to blend into your surroundings is very important. I always wear Mossy Oak camo when I’m hunting. For the early part of spring turkey season I wear the Obsession pattern pants with Infinity or Treestand on my upper body — before the new ground growth has jumped up. When everything is really starting to green up, I usually wear Obsession head-to-toe. Bottom line, you want to blend in to the area you are hunting. As far as clothing, good and comfortable camouflage pretty much “has you covered.”
Boots are a very important piece of any hunter’s repertoire. I highly recommend the Lowa Renegade GTX hikers. Comfortable and not requiring any break-in from the first time I put them on, these boots are my “go-to.” And to ward off those pesky disease carrying ticks, I top my boots with the Outdoor Research Bugout gaiters.
Another item I recommend is rain gear, namely Gore-tex. A little rain doesn’t usually keep me out of the woods. Now, a thunderstorm with lightning cracking all around me is a different story. Lightning isn’t anything to play around with. In fact, when I’m hunting, I always carry my cell phone. I have multiple reasons for carrying it. The first is for safety reasons — in case I have trouble and need to contact someone for help. Of course that only works if you are in an area you have reception. Another reason I carry my phone is to access weather apps. Two of my favorites are Weather Bug and Scoutlook. Additionally, I use Scoutlook to mark spots on aerial maps. I can use this similar to a GPS to help me get around the property and looking for possible set-up locations and ways to get around on a bird. Or, simply to help find my way back to my truck, in case I get turned around after chasing birds in new territory.
As far as the rest of my turkey hunting gear, here is a list of what’s in my vest:
I know this may seem like a lot of gear, but today’s turkey vests have lots of pockets and most have a nice roomy game bag on the back. Can you turkey hunt with just a shotgun, shells and one call? Yes, and sometimes I just leave the vest sitting on the ground and take off after a big ol’ tom. I just have to remember where I left my stuff after I finally catch up to him.
Happy Huntin’!
Marti Davis is a staff member for Browning Trail Cameras, WoolX and Mossy Oak. She is an authority on most types of hunting in North America, and very active in mentoring the next generation of young hunters. View all posts by Marti Davis
One of my favorite quotes is, ‘in the school of the woods there is no graduation day.’ And, I truly believe that. I believe that’s part of the mystic of the outdoors.
Marti Davis
It’s both helpful and encouraging to hear someone with your experience say there’s still more to learn. My daughter started turkey hunting this morning, and I realized how much I’ve learned by being able to answer most of her questions. There are questions neither of us know to ask. After four years, I still have a lot to learn.