Rolla, MO (Womens Outdoor News) 8 Aug 2012 — She almost fell out of her chair when she read comments directed against Olympic shotgunner Corey Cogdell’s hunting trip to Africa. Several anti-hunters wrote that Cogdell should not be shooting endangered animals. Britney Starr, of Starr and Bodill African Safaris, and associate editor at Women’s Outdoor News, wrote a blogpost on Mon., Aug. 6, about the tendency of anti-hunters and some hunters to display ignorance when it comes to declaring certain types of animals off-limits to the tradition of hunting. She noted one hunter’s preference for duck hunting, while despising African zebra hunting.
Starr then mentions recent outright death threats and attacks on Cogdell from anti-hunters. This mode is nothing new. It is juvenile and tiresome, though, and we would appreciate civil discourse regarding the traditions of hunting. Cogdell was photographed with a zebra that she hunted while on a trip to Africa.
Cam Edwards, host of the NRA News show Cam and Company interviewed Starr Aug. 7 regarding the issue of ignorance about hunting African game. We think it’s worth a listen.
The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women. View all posts by The WON