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Randi Rogers and Tori Nonaka — about the Gen 4, gals and guns

Babbs in the Woods

They are petite, but powerful. Randi Rogers and Tori Nonaka, athletes on Team GLOCK, took a few minutes to talk to me at the SHOT Show last January, and in particular about the Gen4. While neither of the women is presently competing with the Gen 4, because of lack of aftermarket add-ons to the gun, they hope to be competing with this model next year.

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Teammates Tori Nonaka and Randi Rogers. Photo by Stefan Wendland

Said Randi, “Women should flock to GLOCK because they’re so easy to use. A lot of women, who haven’t had experience shooting, they don’t have to worry about safeties, decockers … you just take it out of the box and it’s ready to go.” And that leads to confidence building in the shooting sports, said Randi.

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Randi Rogers and Tori Nonaka, SHOT Show 2012. Photo by Jason Baird

Randi and Tori are competing from Feb. 23 through 25 at the Smith & Wesson 2012 IDPA Indoor National Championships in Springfield, Mass.

I thought you’d like to hear Tori Nonaka’s interview. Granted, there is some background noise on the floor of the show, but she sounds strong and confident and fields questions with the ease of someone more mature. You might be surprised when she reveals who is coming up in the ranks of young competitors, too.

Listen to Tori Nonaka: 1_18_12 12_01 PM

  • About Barbara Baird

    Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at


The Conversation

  • Jennifer L Yoder says: February 23, 2012 at 3:58 pm

    Tori and Randi are two amazing ladies that I have had the pleasure of gaining a lot of shooting insight from. Both are such big proponents of expanding shooting sports and so passionate about what they do! While she may be young, tori is very wise beyond her years and one of the sweetest people I have ever met. Having the opportunity to train and shoot with her was amazing! And yes, I can say firsthand that the Nonaka family has some type of shooting gene in their DNA!

    • Barbara Baird says: February 25, 2012 at 1:27 pm

      Hey Jennifer! Looks like I dabbled in your department a bit, doesn’t it, with covering GLOCK shooters? 😉 There are so many great role models in the industry, and we are all fortunate that they share more than, I think, any other professional athletes do!