Just this month, I had the new and exciting experience of shooting Action Shotgun. Straightforward enough, eh? Well, for my stature it took a little bit more energy! At the same time I think that my stature made it more fun. Let me say that shotgun has been one of the most fun things I’ve done in the shooting sports. I was shooting a pump-action, loaned to me by my friend Dave Wilson! Dave is pretty tall, so the shotgun was nearly as long as I was tall! Shooting steel and flying clays while moving AND reloading made for a new dimension of shooting. Reloading was perplexing at first, a new process I had to figure out. Luckily, it didn’t take long at all for me to realize that a shotgun doesn’t reload like a revolver. (Where does the moon clip go again?)
Eric Leech and I spent a long time at the safe table trying to figure out what would be the most convenient way, but when I got on the line I discovered what worked for me – using my leg as a table! It looked kind of funny, but it worked! I might have to change that as I keep developing with shotgun, but I can add that to my list of New Year’s resolutions!
Molly goes prone for the next stage in one of her many shooting events in 2011. Photo by Doug Sallee.
Speaking of New Year’s … this year is almost over! I keep thinking what an amazing year it has been, starting from the beginning with the exciting competition with my S&W 627 revolver at the ICORE Southwest Regional. Then the NRA Bianchi Cup, where I experienced my first-ever tornado (eeek!) And saw all my friends who I only see once a year, at this match. I was so excited about the IRC (International Revolver Competition) and although I didn’t meet chrono, (so close!) this was a good experience for me, as I learned the importance of checking the chrono before a match! The MGM Shooting camp in Idaho was amazing. I made tons of new friends as well as learned a lot about shooting from fabulous world-class instructors. The Steel Challenge came next, where I defended my title as Top Lady Limited Revolver! I’m sad to see this match leave California, but I am looking forward to Jim O’Young’s West Coast Steel Challenge. I also went to the Gun Blogger’s Rendezvous and had a blast with all my gun blogging friends.
But my year wasn’t just shooting. I’ve been participating in my school’s Mock Trial and Robotics club! Those are both really fun; in Mock Trial, the case is involving the Second Amendment! How perfect is that? Right up my alley! Robotics has different aspects than the ones I’ve written about before, like all the little pieces and programming, but it has some similarities like patience! The robotics team has had to redo many parts on our little robot, but it’s really paid off! I’ve also started volunteering with the Coastal Discovery Education Center, where I help research and create advertisements for different events going on at the beach or beach/ocean related talks or activities. The highlight of the Discover Center was when I had the task to figure out the origin of a deceased pigeon using its tag. After extensive Internet research and pigeon-search-engines (they have those), I found out that it was from Oklahoma! We still don’t know how it came all the way to California, but I hope it had a chance to enjoy the sunshine!
This past year has really been full of great experiences for me. And now, I have my resolutions for 2012. Of course, I want to get better at shooting, do more shooting, get better outfitted for shooting (new shotgun from Santa, maybe?), make more shooting friends and somewhere in there squeeze in write more – about shooting! I want to do more to raise money for and awareness of Soldier’s Angels. I’m going to have to squeeze in good grades, too, but that’s not too bad because I really like school! What are your New Year’s resolutions?
Experience the energy of teen shooter Molly Smith at her blog, The Molly Minute.
California teen shooter Molly Smith shoots for Team Smith & Wesson, and prefers a 627 Smith & Wesson iron-sighted revolver. She attends several matches each year, and loves to write about them at her column, "Millisecond Molly." View all posts by Molly Smith
Thanks for another great post, Molly. Please keep ’em coming in 2012.