If you’ve thumbed through any outdoor magazine, or attended any show or event with outdoor gear featured, you’ve heard of ExOfficio clothing. Their bug-repellent, eco-friendly, comfortable clothing is everywhere. But bottom line, you don’t hear much about their underwear. I’m here to rectify that.
I bought a pair of ExOfficio undies at a Backwoods girl event, when I didn’t have to deal with a male clerk. I’m old-fashioned that way. It was a life changing moment. You NEED these underwear (well, a pair of your own, not mine).
If you are sitting in a kayak full of water because you are too cheap to buy a spray skirt, you NEED the underwear.
If you are trekking through the underbrush because your backpacking buddy said “maps are for wussies,” and now you’re off-trail and sweat is coursing down your spine and filling your boots, you NEED the underwear.
If you are sitting in your deer stand on a cold, damp hunt that turns into a cold, wet hunt from that 10 percent chance of rain, you NEED the underwear.
It’s a half-ounce of nylon/spandex heaven. They dry right on your body, so there’s no worry about “rafter’s rash.” They dry even faster when you hang them on a tent pole in camp. [Editor’s note: Or, obviously, if you throw them up on a tree branch, Traci!] When people stammer,“Is that your … underwear?” I just snarl, “Yes, danggit, I’m doing research.” I don’t know if it’s the snarling or the lacy briefs-as-camp-flag, but they back off pretty quickly.
Clerk gender be damned, I went back and bought two more pair. I plan on filling my drawer, and my backpack, with them. You need some — and … no ifs, ands, or but(t)s about it.
Ah yes, she got some strange looks from her family when she threw her undies up in the tree to photograph them! Photo by Traci Schauf.
Traci Schauf ia a blogger, a blonde, a bookphile and outdoor obsessed. She contributes "The Happy Camper" to The WON. She also hosts her own daily blogs about her family and outdoor life. View all posts by Traci Schauf
You always make me laugh out loud. I admire how you held back on the review, without using too many “backward” descriptions. Great job and thanks for making us chuckle today!
Traci – I am impressed with how skillfully and humorously you wrote about such a delicate subject 🙂 Been trying to figure out how to do my gear review on Spairz.. thanks for the inspiration!
Who knew writing about underwear would be so hard LOL