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Urban Shooter Podcast discusses restroom safety for women

The Pastor of Pistoleros Kenn Blanchard encourages free speech, along with promoting Second Amendment rights, and on this week’s podcast, called Urban Shooter Podcast, he gives time for Barbara Baird of The Women’s Outdoor News and She Shoots 2 to warn women (and men) to be cautious when using public restrooms. Baird gives tips for raising awareness levels, and for checking out public latrines before using them. Also, enjoy the rest of the podcast, often lighthearted, always educational. Who knows, maybe Kenn will even sing another song for you. Check it out here. It’s episode #205, “Missed Shots.”

Barbara Baird and Kenn Blanchard reload for another effort at BlackHawk!'s gun bloggers' event in Norfolk, Va., on the paintball range. Baird now contributes regularly to Blanchard's popular podcast. Photo by Laura Burgess.

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.