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Women can't catch muskies — right? Look for yourself

Attached is a photo of 49.75 inch, 30 pound (estimated weight), musky, caught on the Wisconsin River near Mosinee, Wisconsin, on Sunday early-evening, July 25, 2010.  Fish was caught using an orange Duck Tail Weed Warrior spinner bait. The fish was released.

Caught by Jean Radke, of Wausau, Wisconsin, who was accompanied by her husband Ron, shown in the photo.  Jean also caught and released a 42 incher on the same outing.

Jean Radke caught this est. 30-pound musky on July 25. Phil Schweik of Hooksetter's Guide Service.

Phil Schweik of Hooksetters Guide Services of Mosinee, Wisconsin guided the Radkes.

Best Wishes – –

Ray from Creative Brilliance

Creative Brilliance
Mailing Address:
Box 44237
Madison, WI 53744
Phone:  (608) 827-6483

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.


The Conversation

  • Gretchen Steele says: July 28, 2010 at 10:05 am

    THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! Yes women do catch muskies! When I was still working as home care nurse, one my elderly clients had a gianormous muskie hanging in her breakfast nook – every visit it seemed she told me the story of her little 5 foot 100 pound self hauling the 48 inch monster in – when we would walk to her yard for her prescribed outdoor exercise time she always patted the fish when we walked by, and with twinkle would say “and they thought I couldn’t catch you hahahaha” !

  • Jim Spencer says: July 28, 2010 at 9:02 am

    Yeeeehah! Jill and I have a trip booked with Phil on August 9, after we get through working the National Trappers Association convention in Marshfield the previous weekend. We’re going after walleyes and other smaller stuff, and I told Phil on the phone last week that I wasn’t too hepped up about catching a “fish of a thousand casts.” But if it was a fish like that one, I might change my mind.