“Sisters of the Turkeyhood. … No, how about the Gob-Gob Sisterhood? … or, at least something with spurs!” Then someone said, “Sisters of the Spurs!” And thus, we formed our little circle, our band of six women turkey hunters who came together on the plains of “OH-klahoma” and shared one bedroom, one bathroom, sometimes a blind, sometimes a granola bar or an orange, boxes of Bankhead (of St. Louis fame) chocolates and other experiences.
Thanks to Benelli U.S.A., Hunter’s Specialties, SHE Outdoor Apparel and Rut-N-Strut Outfitters – located outside of Elk City, Oklahoma – and to Mike Capps (Howard Communications) and Hunters’ Specialties Pro-Staff guides Jimmy Estes, Pat Muffler and Rick White, this trip not only brought us together and afforded us great opportunities to hunt, but also we formed the Sisters of the Spurs Society. We shot beautiful Benelli Vinci shotguns and fired Federal Mag-Shok Heavyweight Turkey loads, 1 5/8 oz. 46 gr of #7 shot @ 1300 fps.
The turkey paparazzi: Left to right -- Mike Capps, Lisa Metheny, Gina Schmidt, Brenda Potts. Grip Boy Jimmy Estus works the foil thingey. Note the smiles as they photograph Shannon and her first turkey!
We enjoyed good-natured ribbing, without competition to see who could bring home and hang up the biggest tom with the longest spurs. Among the six of us, we had some firsts:
Brenda Potts: This freelance writer, SHE Outdoor Apparel Pro-Staff Member and owner of Midwest Legacy Marketing, gets first place, we all decided, among the sisterhood for killing the gobbler with the largest spurs! We are proud of her because she sat for hours waiting patiently for that dude to appear.
Gina Schmidt: An editor with National Rifle Association, this city girl went on the hunt from H-E-double toothpicks, with optics malfunctions that probably cost her two gobblers, sitting on the ground in wind and falling into a “mine shaft,” as her guide put it, and probably breaking her ankle. She hunted hard for all three-plus days, even with a swollen ankle. It was her first, but she says not her last, hunt. She has the heart of a huntress.
Shannon Coggin: A Public Relations Specialist at the National Wild Turkey Federation, this also was her first turkey hunt. She took the first turkey on the first day, and she and I “doubled” on Day #2 – each taking nice sized gobblers, shooting simultaneously, thanks to the coaching of our guide, Jimmy Estus.
Cristy Gates: Benelli U.S.A. Media and Exhibit Manager, she not only “tagged out” with two toms, she also shot her first two-bearded tom.
Lisa Metheny: Freelance writer, photographer and outdoor hunter extraordinaire, Lisa took her first Rio and then another one to fill both tags.
For me: My first Rio.
Lots of firsts, but I think we’d all agree that we hope this won’t be the “last time” we ever get together. We even devised a special hand symbol for the Sisters of the Spurs. Maybe we’ll come to a camp near you someday. Or better yet, why don’t you just go ahead and form your own sisterhood of something outdoors? ~Barbara Baird
Sisters of the Spurs: Brenda Potts, Shannon Coggin, Cristie Gates, Barb Baird and Lisa Metheny. Unfortunately, our sister, Gina Schmidt, was back icing her ankle at the lodge! Photo by Mike Capps.
Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at https://www.ozarkian.com. View all posts by Barbara Baird
Wow, Barb, sounds like an incredible hunt with some incredible ladies. The picture with you all with your birds is amazing! I love it!
Way to go on the toms too!
What a fantastic time you must have had! I don’t see any burned cork face paint though…what the!?!
Great article, Babbs…as usual!
Way to go, ladies. Suitably impressed. And I’m echoing Kirstie: What, no burnt cork on your faces? Congratulations to all, and thanks to Barbara Baird for another great story.