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Babbs in the Woods: That little voice … is a nag

“How do you reach a ‘multi-minding woman?’” writes She-conomy publisher Stephanie Holland, as she refers to Kelly Skolada’s book titled “Too Busy to Shop.” Stephanie writes that as she works, thoughts about everything and her task at hand seem to run through her mind.

Most of us women can relate to this problem, especially those of us who make time in our lives to get outdoors. We already have enough to do with jobs, families, other duties. In fact, Kirstie Pike blogged about it at  Próis Hunting Apparel’s Community Blog. She writes, “Women are the quintessential multi-taskers … at all times.

Kirstie Pike, or is it Marsha looking through this Alpen spotting scope?

“Women can drive to work, prepare a mental grocery list, arrange delivery of children to 3 various and sundry locations within a 5 minute block of time, give a concise description of the Pythagorean Theory and still simultaneously always know exactly how many rolls of toilet paper are left in the house at any given moment.”

Then, Kirstie describes an elk hunt in 2008, when that little voice in her head – whom she attributes to her alter ego named Marsha – started yapping at her, asking her if she paid the propane bill or gave the kids enough lunch money or even, when she’s getting ready to shoulder her gun to take a shot, reminding her about making a physical therapy appointment for her aching shoulder.

So, how should marketing firms communicate to those of us who are itching to buy outdoor products? I agree with Stephanie when she suggests the following tips, and of course, these apply to outdoor marketing:

  1. Talk to women, not at them.
  2. Listen to your customer.
  3. Get online — use social media because she’s using it!

For more information about how women are using social media, Stephanie recommends going to SheSpeaks 2nd Annual Social Media Study, where it details how, when and why women use social media and their interactions with brands.

We may not be able to quell the barrage of ideas bombarding our brains, even when we know it’s our time to let ourselves enjoy the outdoor experience. That’s why I like to write in my Doeville journal. And, I also take along a little notebook for those other things – like grocery lists, to-do lists, etc. And, sometimes, I take a nap. That shuts everything down for a while, and really, there’s nothing as refreshing as blending in with nature (on the ground, preferably not in a stand tied in) and checking my eyelids for cracks.

~Barbara Baird


To learn more:

See She-cononmy here

See SheSpeaks here.

  • About Barbara Baird

    Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at


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