Project Appleseed “Weeklong Rifle Marksmanship Course”
Project Appleseed is a nationwide program of The Revolutionary War Veterans Association, a non-profit educational organization operated by volunteer instructors dedicated to maintaining the ideals and traditions of the Founding generation of our country. Our volunteer instructors travel across the country teaching those who attend about the difficult choices, the heroic actions, and the sacrifices that the Founders made on behalf of modern Americans for our country’s freedom and independence.
April 19, 1775 – the day of the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World”…..
Project Appleseed teaches rifle marksmanship and the true story of Patriots’ Day, April 19th, 1775, the day of Paul Revere’s Ride in weekend clinics all over this great nation. Project Appleseed‘s heritage program vividly portrays the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Modern listeners are confronted with the danger, the fear, and the heartbreaking separations that arose out of the choices made on April 19th, 1775. They are also reminded of the marksmanship skills and masterful organization that ultimately helped set the colonists on the path to success. Those who attend gain a better understanding of the fundamental choices faced by our ancestors as they began to set the stage for the nation we now enjoy.
By taking our participants back to that fateful day and teaching rifle marksmanship, we hope to reconnect “ordinary” Americans with their “extraordinary” heritage. The ideals and traditions of the men, women and children who created this country resulted in the freest and most prosperous nation the world has ever known.

Take at the Revolutionary War Veterans Association home range in Ramseur, NC – 400 yards long distance shooting.
A Project Appleseed Weeklong Rifle Marksmanship Course will be held on Jan. 28- Feb.2, 2018, at the Isaac Davis Memorial Range, in Wacissa, FL, just 20 miles west of Tallahassee, FL.
The Isaac Davis Memorial Range (IDMR) near Tallahassee has a 400-yard range and is a great venue to camp, share dinner, and just enjoy the week with other rifle enthusiasts and be taught rifle marksmanship and the heritage of our country by great instructors.
Participants are taught fundamental rifle marksmanship skills that are to allow a rifleman or riflewoman to be accurate out to 400 yards, with iron sights or a scope, a standard rifle and surplus ammo.
Instruction will be conducted on the firing range at multiple distances, including 25 yards, 100 yards, 200 yards, 300 yards, and 400 yards.
Students will learn rifle shooting from the standing, sitting, kneeling, and prone positions, sight alignment, and breath control, along with safe gun handling, and the proper use of a sling.
Registration begins at 8am. The clinic starts at 8:30 a.m. and will continue until 5:00 p.m. each day.
Project Appleseed participants need to bring:
Ear/eye protection, rifle mat, bug repellent, hat, sunscreen, shooting jacket, elbow/knee pads, rain jacket, notebook, tools for rifles, packed food, snacks, drinks, and plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Two rifles will be needed for the event, a .22 caliber rifle and a center-fire rifle of choice. About 1000 rounds of .22 ammunition, plus 500 rounds of center-fire ammunition will be needed for the week.
Project Appleseed Weeklong Rifle Marksmanship Course fees:
Adults: $150
Youth under age 18: $50
Law enforcement and active duty military personnel are free.
Additional range fees of $20 per event applies for all, except Isaac Davis Memorial Range members.
Directions to the Isaac Davis Memorial Range, Wacissa, FL:
From I-10 take Exit 217. Go south 10 miles on Hwy. 59 to Wacissa, turn right on Tram Road, go 1000 feet and turn right on Upper Cody Road. Go 2.2 miles to range, which is first driveway on right past Broomsage Cemetary Road.
Free primitive camping and potable water is available on site. Many hotels are available within a short commute.
About The WON
The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.
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