What makes a police dispatcher on the West Coast decide to become a proprietor of an online jewelry business named Camo Ammo Jewelry? Lisa Glassburn tells us how and why.
“My business started out as a hobby in May 2014, but then quickly grew into an online business in early August. I made a pair of earrings for myself and soon after, some of my close friends showed their interests. I made a few sets of earrings and some bracelets for them and soon more and more friends were wanting them,” said Lisa. She started a Facebook page, albeit with a country-craft theme. After 2 months, and even more orders for ammo jewelry poured in, she changed the emphasis of her business. “After receiving some great feedback and compliments on my designs, I decided to start an online business to offer my jewelry to ladies who were looking for something a little different for their hunting/shooting-themed jewelry,” said Lisa.
Already, “Friends of the NRA” chapters have asked to feature her line at banquets. She has shipped products to several states and Canada, and last summer, Country Outfitter found her on Etsy and asked her to become a vendor in its “Marketplace.”
“With running a business, I think that it is important to realize that not all the clients are going to like the same things and they expect a variety to choose from. The outdoor industry is changing all the time … If you can keep up with the changes, customers will keep coming back. Social media outlets – such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – have all helped me a lot in determining what’s popular. Offering custom items has been helpful for me as well,” said Lisa.
It is important to me for my clients to receive something that is personal to them, such as the caliber they shoot or a birthstone color in their earrings or a customized saying on one of the metal stamped leather cuff bracelets.
When guests visit Camo Ammo Jewelry, they will find custom-handmade bullet jewelry constructed from spent rifle and pistol casings, as well as shotgun shell jewelry. Lisa also offers a small variety of handmade shed-antler jewelry. These are more of a custom item, due to the sizes and the burned designs that she draws on the items. She also designs ammo earrings, available in several different calibers; most of these can be customized with colored crystals. The line of leather and metal stamped-cuff bracelets become unique pieces, too. “The leather bracelets are all very comfortable and I don’t hesitate to wear my ‘.270 5-Shot Bracelet’ while hunting,” said Lisa.
In fact, Lisa hunts whenever possible. It’s her favorite hobby. “Big game hunting is by far my favorite, but I hunt other game as well. I am very excited that this year I was drawn for a Colorado Mule Deer tag. In the summer when it’s not hunting season, I enjoy bass fishing and boating. Going for walks near my house, hikes to mountain lakes and shed hunting are fun past times also. There is nothing like getting to breathe fresh mountain air. When my work schedule allows, I like to go camping and get away from civilization. The woods are a great place to relax,” said Lisa.
As she listens and responds to her customers, you will see an expansion of the line at Camo Ammo Jewelry, including a collection of bullet and antler jewelry for men. “I am hoping to add a few surprises in the near future, but am looking more towards the holidays before revealing what they are,” said Lisa.
Visit Camo Ammo Jewelry. Also, check out its Facebook, Twitter, Etsy and Pinterest outlets.
Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at https://www.ozarkian.com. View all posts by Barbara Baird
Yay Lisa, So proud of you!