Rolla, MO — Oct. 18, 2012 — (Women’s Outdoor News) — We are celebrating the launch on Thurs., Oct. 18, of another means of sharing news, reviews and stories about women hunting, shooting, fishing, kayaking, hiking and cooking in the outdoors on YouTube. Our debut video on YouTube features pro shooter Julie Golob’s first shot ever with a .50 cal. Barbara Baird, publisher of Women’s Outdoor news, captured the moment when Team Smith & Wesson’s Captain Golob pulled the trigger and felt the recoil of a Serbu .50 cal while participating in the first annual Girls Gun Getaway in rural Missouri last June. Look for future videos from Baird and from Associate Editor Britney Starr, as well as gear reviews from The WON’s writers.
To sweeten the launch of our video connection, Athena Means of Gun Goddess created a .50-cal.-theme giveaway package.
This little lovely retails for $55 and you may choose among several Swarovski crystal colors — even your birth month!
1. 50 cal rosette necklace with a crystal color of your choice
2. .50-cal bottle opener
Ooo la la. You don’t have to look very hard to get the point of this decal, do you? Just $10.95. Imagine this on your back window of your truck, or hey, on your guitar or gun case!
3. Gun Goddess decal
4. $25 gift certificate
What a super addition to the giveaway package, and just perfect since it features the author, our .50 cal shooter, Julie Golob’s signed book.
5. And saving the best for last … a signed book of Shoot: Your guide to shooting and competition, by that aforementioned .50 cal shooter Julie Golob!
Even if you don’ t win this package, please feel free to visit Gun Goddess, especially with your favorite plinkers, competitive shooters and hunters in mind. Why?
Athena lists four good reasons:
In the meantime, why don’t you give us a caption for this photo? One winner will be chosen Friday, Oct. 26, by
Watch Julie Golob shoot the .50!
Visit Gun Goddess.
Visit Julie Golob.
The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women. View all posts by The WON
No double tap needed with this!
Big bore boomers rock !
Honey Badger DOES Care !
Holy crisp that was awesome!! Can I do it again!!!
Some say, “live, laugh love,” I say, “ready, aim, fire.”
50 Cap is op!
and or
Picture Response to Every girls can’t shoot Video
My caption would be : O M G! I still have a shoulder or do I? That WAS AWESOME!!!
Not your mama’s gun!